Lily Pad

How to Get Rid of Lily Pads

Lily pads can either be a positive or negative influence on your aquatic environment. On the positive side, the lily pads can provide shade and a habitat for many aquatic organisms, such as frogs and different fish. 

However, there can also be a few drawbacks to having lily pads in your pond or lake, and if you’re reading this article, chances are you’re more focused on the negative aspects and are wondering how to get rid of lily pads. Depending on your location, multiple species of lily pads are invasive that can overwhelm and destroy a pond’s ecosystem. Additionally, if you want to use a pond or lake as a nice swimming hole, the presence of lily pads and other aquatic roots isn’t ideal. Even if you like lily pads and want them to remain, professional water & wildlife managers recommend regular maintenance and care to ensure that lily pads don’t cover more than 25% of a body of water’s surface.

How to Get Rid of Lily Pads in a Pond

1: Pulling by Hand

An easy and straightforward way to remove lily pads is to simply hand-pull them, as you would a normal weed in a vegetable garden. Although this is a very cheap and simple method, it might not be very effective. Firstly, it can be really time-consuming and difficult to hand-pull water lily pads from a body of water. 

Additionally, it’s very difficult to ensure you’ve removed a water lily’s entire root system, and if you haven’t, the lily will simply regrow. As such, we only recommend hand-pulling as a temporary control measure.

2: Raking or Cutting

Another option is to rake or cut water lilies. To rake them, you simply drag a hard-tined gardening rake or a specialized aquatic rake across the bottom of a pond, pulling up the lily pad and its root system. You can also use shears to cut a water lily below the water line. 

However, both of these options have significant drawbacks: raking the entire floor of a pond or lake can be extremely time-consuming, and can have significant negative impacts to overall water quality and ecosystem health. Cutting lilies is an even more temporary solution than hand-pulling, as there is no chance you’ve removed the entire plant and it will simply grow back.

3: Shading

A third option to manage the growth and presence of water lilies is to create shade, most likely through utilizing a large piece of dark, opaque sheeting on top of lily pads. If you think back to high school biology, plants need sunlight in order to perform photosynthesis and create food for themselves, so without this light, the plants will die. 

However, this is an extremely unsightly method, as who wants to look out at a pond only to see gigantic black plastic sheets? Additionally, it’s not a foolproof method, and often needs to be used in conjunction with other methods.

4: Installing a Goodbye-to-Muck Mat

Goodbye to Muck manufactures a variety of pond cleaning mats. They all function in relatively the same way: you simply lay your chosen mat down on the floor of your pond, and the mat will kill weeds and give you a nice, comfortable bottom surface. Since ponds tend to have muddy bottoms, the Goodbye to Muck MuckMat not only removes weeds, but it provides a solid, firm surface to walk on instantly after installation. 

Goodbye to Muck’s products are simply unmatched when you factor in price, effectiveness, longevity, and overall environmental impact. 

Lily Pad in Lakes

How to Get Rid of Lily Pads in a Lake

In order to get rid of lily pads in a lake, you will utilize much of the same techniques for removing lily pads from a pond. However, since lakes are typically bigger, the more labor-intensive techniques become even less desirable. Therefore, you’ll want to rely on a simple, easy, yet effective solution. 

Once again, Goodbye to Muck offers fantastic solutions guaranteed to remove lily pads, aquatic weeds and muck without harming you, your family, or your lake’s ecosystem. Goodbye to Muck’s Lake Mat is specifically designed to transform patches of lake from overgrown messes to clear, clean water that everybody will want to jump in. 

To learn more about Goodbye to Muck’s Lake Mat and view before-and-after pictures, click here.

Control Your Lakes and Ponds with Goodbye to Muck

Lily pads have a reputation of being extremely fast-growing and difficult to remove. Without proper care and maintenance, they can quickly overwhelm a lake or pond, and turn a great swimming hole into an unusable body of water. 

Goodbye to Muck provides fantastic solutions to quickly, safely, and effectively remove water lilies and other aquatic weeds from a variety of different environments. 

You simply won’t find anything better on the market today!

It is important to know the behavior of these aquatic plants, since in this way we can know the solutions available to remove them when they grow excessively and we do not like the appearance they generate. We believe that having a clean, tidy and clear appearance of our springs and lakes is as important as having the rest of our house in order, that is why weIf this article has helped you, we invite you to put into practice the advice we have given you and tell us about your experience removing lily pads from your lake or pond.

If you need more information about Lily Pads, other similar plants or the care of your lake or pond, you can access our blog where we talk about relevant points of their maintenance.

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